
Posted by on Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hey guys.. I'm back for more writing.. Last few days I collected my result and I didn't did well for one paper.. I was very disappointed of myself.. I work really hard for my assignment and finals.. One of my group mate got an A for it. I was really happy for her. Well I did ask the lecturer and He himself was shock that I got this result. In the end, he going to check for me. Thank God for lecturer like him. How is it related to the topic "Failure"?

Well we all fail before. Either in Studies, Relationship, Work, Project, and etc. Depends how you see it only. Failure is a big step to success in life. I think there is no one that can be close to perfect in this World. You must take FAILURE into account and do better next time. Don't fall down and give up there. Learn from it and do better.

You fail in studies? So what! Retake and do better.
You fail in relationship? So what! Find a better one and treat him/her well.
You fail in business? Save money and start a new business.
You fail in singing? So what! Go for singing lesson and don't stop at that level.
Stop with the stupid excuse that you are not talented in studying nor good in working nor not good in talking to girl nor whatever. Start by putting effort into it and start doing it.

I admit I fail many many many times. Those failure make me who I am today. And yes! I come a single parent family and I'm the only child. And yes! I face a lot of hardship and depression. Well those tears and downfall do workout for me to be a better person. If you think I have a perfect life, I have a sentence for you: "THINK BEFORE YOU TALK CRAP" 

Do me a favor guys and girls. When you fail, admit that you fail and do better next time. There is no way to go back to the past and rewrite the whole story. Well I do wish I can go back to past and rewrite my whole story but I can't. So when you FALL DOWN, LEARN HOW TO STAND UP YOURSELF. Nothing is easy in life..

A chinese song that sing about Falling down and getting back up:

Sign out,
Jason Chong

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